Client Story

Cancer patient receives settlement with help from employment Partner

5 August 2022

Nicholas Hall stepped in when his client was made redundant following a diagnosis of early-stage cancer.

While there was initial understanding from the employer of planned and unplanned absences due to treatment, after a few months the employee was informed that they were being made redundant. It looked as though the dismissal was being used to push the individual out as the employer was struggling to cover workload in their absence.

Nicholas Hall contacted the employer, informing them that they had unlawfully discriminated against the employee on account of his cancer – which is automatically considered a “disability” under the Equality Act 2010.

Nicholas and the team advised the employee to seek an early settlement. The discussions resulted in a payment o the client which adequately compensated for loss of earnings and injury to feelings suffered because of the employer.

Following the case, Nicholas: said: “I’m pleased we were able to help during an already distressing time. Cancer treatment should not be a reason for redundancy.”

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