Client Story

How dog Arlo’s future is being protected

17 November 2020

When Charlotte H came to us for advice about safeguarding her puppy’s future, we knew a Pup-Nup™ would be a cost effective solution for her and her partner. A Pup-Nup™ is an agreement that safeguards the arrangements for your dog, upon the breakdown of your relationship. Ultimately, if during separation, the owners can’t agree on a way forward, a court will need to decide on the issue. The court’s powers include the ability to transfer ownership as well as make financial provisions for the dog, so a Pup-Nup™ is a great way to ensure your dog’s best interests are protected.

Charlotte said: “Our reasons for wanting a Pup-Nup™ were clear. We wanted to avoid any bitterness should we split up, and ensure we could both continue to see our puppy, Arlo. Importantly, we wanted to make sure that his care continued – financially and emotionally. To us the Pup-Nup™ was a really sensible option. Obviously we hope we never have to use it, but it’s given us peace of mind that if we do, Arlo’s best interests will be put first and his future is protected.”

For some separating or divorcing couples, the question of who gets the dog is as important as working through the finances and arrangements for the children – a Pup-Nup™ makes this process much easier. Talk to us to find out more.

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