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Helen Higginbotham

Partner, Head of BRICS Team

Why choose me

I produce and co-ordinate due diligence reporting for clients when buying or selling a business or raising finance.  I am a corporate solicitor and provide a detailed review of company filings and statutory records.  I work closely with the various specialist teams at HCR to identify issues quickly and provide practical and commercial solutions.

I speak your language by cutting out the jargon and let you get on with what you do best. I’m always around when you need me. I love learning about our clients’ business plans and guiding them through the transaction.

I am also a qualified chartered company secretary and provide company secretarial advice and corporate governance support including offering bespoke services to property management companies and academies.

In my spare time, I follow the Welsh Rugby Union, and I enjoy the peace and tranquillity of fishing and walking my dog in the countryside.

I produce and co-ordinate due diligence reporting for clients when buying or selling a business or raising finance.  I am a corporate solicitor and provide a detailed review of company filings and statutory records.  I work closely with the various specialist teams at HCR to identify issues quickly and provide practical and commercial solutions.

I speak your language by cutting out the jargon and let you get on with what you do best. I’m always around when you need me. I love learning about our clients’ business plans and guiding them through the transaction.

I am also a qualified chartered company secretary and provide company secretarial advice and corporate governance support including offering bespoke services to property management companies and academies.

In my spare time, I follow the Welsh Rugby Union, and I enjoy the peace and tranquillity of fishing and walking my dog in the countryside.

Read what my clients say about me

HCR have supported us on a number of transactions in recent years. Their ability to distil complex matters down to identifying material issues and provide advice and solutions provides the reassurance we need to complete deals. Helen and her colleagues are highly experienced and professional. They know our business and what sector specific issues and risks we face. They are always positive and engaging and are a pleasure to work with and I look forward to working with them on future transactions.

Richard Knipe Head of mergers and acquisitions for Polaris

Helen Higginbotham and Tim Ward recently helped to complete a deal in which a Florida-based market research company acquired a company in the UK.

The CEO of the company said: “On behalf the entire team, thank you.

“You’ve all been very professional and thorough throughout this entire process. While it was much more ‘involved’ than expected, the experience has left us feeling more comfortable and confident that it was done right and there is a much smaller chance of future issues because of that.

“Special thanks to Helen and whoever else gave up their Friday night to push this over the finish line!”

Regarding the case, Tim said: “It was fantastic to be a part of this transatlantic deal. Working across time zones is always tricky, but we were able to provide a positive result for our clients across the pond.”

Helen Higginbotham said: “Our corporate, employment and commercial teams worked hard to ensure that the transaction ran smoothly and our client was provided with the support they needed to complete a key deal for them in the UK”.

Transatlantic marketing deal completed with expert team

We have worked with Helen and the HCR due diligence team on a series of M&A deals over recent years. The team has grown to understand our business and our requirements well and is able to tailor advice and reporting effectively to the specific needs of FluidOne and our investors. Where there’s been inevitable timetable pressures on a corporate transaction, Helen and the team have shown a great deal of commitment to the client cause by navigating some intensive periods of work to get a report out on time.

Roy Hastings CFO of FluidOne

A great result for a property management company drew high praise for Helen Higginbotham who created bespoke articles of association – rules about running a company.

Helen provided advice and support in order to ensure that the documents, tailored to the client’s needs, were created promptly.

Tim T, who instructed Helen, said: “This was a very stressful transaction for me and would not have gone to completion but for the assistance I received from yourselves. I was most impressed with the level of professionalism and the speedy turnaround and am so grateful. A first-rate service.”


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