Local Government and Public Sector

Financial pressures, the need for community engagement and the changing political and economic landscape mean Local Government and Public Sector bodies are facing increasing challenges. These challenges require expert, dynamic advice from lawyers that understand the landscape

Someone in our team meeting with their client to go over some paperwork

Meet the team

Our expertise

We work with local authorities, combined authorities, government agencies, police federations and other local government and public sector organisations and their supply chain on a whole range of matters. Our primary aim is to help our clients navigate the complexities of the sector by providing expert, pragmatic advice.

Our expertise covers the full range of legal services. We have particular expertise in advising on:

  • Housing and regeneration projects
  • Subsidy control
  • State aid and competition law
  • Judicial review
  • Public procurement
  • Planning and highways
  • Construction projects

Judicial review

We provide a balanced view, no matter what side you’re on.

Judicial review is one of the checks and balances that exists to ensure public authorities do not abuse their powers or act unreasonably. We can help if you want to challenge a decision or action. The law, commentary and procedures surrounding judicial review are complex, and what the courts can and cannot do is more limited than popular belief. For these reasons, it is vital to ensure you receive experienced, accurate, reliable advice that enables you to make informed decisions as to whether to challenge or defend a decision.

Public procurement

We help local authorities, government departments, state-owned companies, other public bodies and suppliers stay compliant and challenge outcomes when it comes to public procurement.

Our clients range from local authorities and public bodies to small start-up suppliers, as well as large, well-known international firms, firms involved in research and development, education institutions, charities, and organisations involved in infrastructure development. We understand public procurement issues and opportunities from both sides of the coin so are well placed to help you.

Members of our expert team have:

  • Supported organisations to understand subsidy control, working with both grantors and recipients on whether funding proposals comply with current regulatory requirements
  • Advised on public procurement matters including challenges to contract awards
  • Provided assistance on state aid
  • Provided legal opinions to support applications for financial assistance
  • Advised on the resolution of technology, energy and telecoms disputes
  • Helped businesses develop their procurement strategies

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